
Can beer

Do you like drinking? Maybe, we are over 20 years old. We have more opportunities to drink with coworkers I guess. But recently because of coronavirus, we can’t drink outside. Can beer sales went up. So, let me introduce about can beer this time! * Drinking alcohol under the age of 20 is prohibited by law in Japan.

There are 3 types of cans beer. First, Beer. Beer is made of malt, hops and water. Additionally, There are conditions below.

•Malt ratio 50% or more

• Wheat, rice, corn, sorghum, potatoes can be used for auxiliary material.

•Compare with Malt, auxiliary material can’t use less than 5%

Second, low-malt beer. almost all of the low-malt beer are cheaper than beer. Craft beer is sometimes more expensive than low-malt beer. And low-malt beer’s conditions below.

•Malt ratio is less than 50%.

•If malt ratio is more than 50%, auxiliary material are without Wheat, rice, corn, sorghum, potatoes.

Finally, the third beer. Actually, the third beer is not beer. The third beer is very cheep. But since 10.1.2020, Liquor tax increase 10yen.

And conditions below.

•The third beer does not use malt.

•Malt ratio of less than 50% liquor and wheat spirits are mixed.




Do you like meat? What kind of meat do you like? Beef, pork,chicken, lamb, mutton or horse meat? I would like to introduce you about knowledge of meat.

First, beef. When you buy beef meat at store, how do you distinguish fresh or not? You want fresh beef, please choose pink meat. Because, deep red meat is not fresh. And there are not red drip from meat in the pack, that is very fresh. Actually that red drip is not blood. That is Umami ingredients.

Second, Pork. In real,there is no difference quality. Compared with beef and chicken. But don’t choose yellow tallow one. Chicken. Chicken is easier to distinguish than beef. The point is chicken skin. Chicken have bumpy skin, that is very fresh and taste is sweet.

Have you ever tasted rare meat? Do you know difference about lamb and mutton? The answer is age of sheep. Under 1 year old sheep, it will be lamb. Over 1 year old sheep, it will be mutton. Lamb meat is very tender. And it doesn’t have any distinct flavor. Mutton’s color is deep red. And have a strong taste. Sheep meat is also healthy. It is good for diet.


How long do you sleep? What is good sleeping?

These days We spend a lot of time at home I guess. Do you keep regular hours? There are many discussion about how long do we need sleep hours I can’t affirm. But in general, we need 8 hours for sleeping.

According to Mrs. Takahashi who is specialist about sleep. You sleep less than 3 hours for a month, you will be poor thinking, reduce immune function. But on average Japanese workers (25-65 ages) sleep 5.5 hours. It’s very short. How about you? How long do you spend time for sleeping?

It’s necessary to keep regular hours in order to good sleep. Do you get up in the morning?There are some points to keep regular hours.

① In the morning you have to soak in the sunlights. In the night you have to avoid soaking light.

② In the day time you need to exercise.

③ You need to take a bath 90 minutes before sleeping.

④ You need to take a dinner three hours before sleeping.

⑤ From the point of view of psychology, not fulfilled day time, we can’t sleep well.

In generation, we need to avoid using phone, PC and TV 90 minutes before sleeping. But in my opinion, that’s impossible for us. Because those items have a deep connection with life. And in the day time we have a lot of things to do. we don’t have enough time to enjoy pastime. As a result we use phone and so on before sleeping. So Spending fulfilled daytime is the best way to sleep well I think.


How to identify delicious spring vegetables.

I guess you have more time to spend in the house than before. So how do you spend these days? Studying, looking for a job, playing “atsumori” (this is one of the popular games in Japan) or cooking? In my case, I am starting to spend time cooking! So I would like to tell you how to identify delicious spring vegetables. If you read this article, you can identify good vegetables more easily!

1. Cabbage. Cabbage can divided into 2 kinds: spring cabbage and winter cabbage. March to May, is the best season for spring cabbage. Good spring cabbage is soft and symmetrical. It is suitable for pasta, steamed and soup.

2. Tomato. A good tomato is very heavy, has a film texture and has a deep green stem. There are no white spots. There is a white star on the surface (please see the tomato) picture. If you have a lot of tomatoes at home and you want to know which one is ripe, please put it in water. A ripe tomato will sink in water. It is suitable for salad.

3. Green asparagus. Good green asparagus is deep green, fresh, thick and straight. Keep the cut end in water. The tip is closed. It’s very important to cook soon after you purchase. Don’t choose dry asparagus. Asparagus can be boiled or sauteed.

4. Celery. Good celery has a white, thick, fresh, glossy and winding stem. The leaves are bright green. Good celery is Straight and in high fiber and smells good. Please choose one where cut end has not changed color. It is suitable for soup, salad and pickles.

5. Rape leaves. Good Rape leaves have small buds and the buds are all the same size. If you can find yellow flowers with the rape leaves, it is not fresh. This is suitable for boiling or stirring fry.

6. Bamboo shoots. Good bamboo shoots are heavy, light brown color. The cut end is fresh and white. A few small red points on root is very soft and sweet. A yellow tip one a young bamboo shoot. It is suitable for cooking with rice in foil.


Living expenses

Hello, this is Rin. Do you want to live alone after graduation? If so, how much does it cost to live alone? I looked it up.

①Rent 6,6000 yen are (per person). It costs one third of your monthly salary. There is a tendency that apartments closer to urban areas are more expensive. The closer it’s to the countryside, the cheaper. Japan has depopulation in some countrysides, so they sometime give us a housing allowance.

②Food expenses 3,0000 yen (per person). If you can cook for yourself everyday, it will cost less than 2,0000 yen. But a member of society is too busy to cook everyday. Conversely, if you eat out, it will cost more than 5,0000yen!!

③Utility bill 1,1000 yen. First, we pay 3,000yen on average for water bill every two month. The water bill includes costs for taking shower, filling the tub with hot water, washing dishes and doing laundry. So we need to consider how to use water. For instance, the bathroom is very cold in winter, people should spray hot water in the bathroom to warm it up.Secondly, the gas bill is a very different price between winter and summer more than 1,100 yen. Gas is used for cooking and boiling hot water. City gas is cheaper than propane gas, but in places lacking in infrastructure often use propane gas. Finally I can tell you interesting information about the electric bill. Actually, electric bill is more expensive in the morning. It is better to do laundry at night. Did you know that?

④Cell phone bill. It depends on situation but in my case, I use a cheap SIM company, so it costs 2,680 yen every month. I recommend Yahoo!,mobile company or UQ mobile company. If you contract Yahoo,mobile company with your family, that will be a discount of 500 yen from the original price every month.

⑤Entertainment expenses. Communication will make good relationships by this cost.


Life-sized animals

Hello. This is Rin. One of my friends told me about an interesting Wikipedia function. So I am going to introduce it to you! This is “life-sized animals in AR”. “Life-sized animals” can display animals that look real in your mobile phone. If you want to do it, you only need an iPhone.

Please follow below the steps below to display animals. Step1. Open Safari and choose Goggle. Step2. If you use the Japanese version Goggle, you need to set in English. (Please touch three lines next to the search box). Step3. Just surch the animal name! Step4. You can see the life-sized animal up close. Then touch it to view in 3D. Step5. After opening your camera, move your phone a few minutes. That’s all!!!

You can select 29 animals such as dog, cat, shark, penguin, lion, tiger, horse, snake, black panther, bear, hock, pomegranate, pug, and so on. Finally, wolf! Supriselly, we can hear animal sounds, take the picture and change the animal’s size.

Why are there so many types of dogs? There are pomeranian, pug, French bulldog.Because google really likes dogs. It’s true!!According to google public relations “actually,google is a dog company”. Google allows employees to bring their dog.

This function was released on March 6,2019. People expect this function to improve more. In the future, google is planning that all products can be displayed in 3D.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wq8ST-jsjgd9WElqVwNun8gCxB_8M9iV/view?usp=drivesdk


How often do you do laundry?

We do laundry everyday. But do you know how often to do laundry to keep it clean and maintain the shape of your clothes? According to Oizumi Ruri, who is a specialist in the laundry, underwear, t-shirt, towels and socks must be done after each use.Humans sweat a lot all day, so we must change things that touch the skin directly.

Secondly, short pants and sweaters are made of cashmere or cotton, so we must do laundry after wearing them twice. Doing laundry too much is not good for fabric.

How about jeans, skirts and jackets? Those need to be done after wearing them three times. It prevents fading colors.

One other example is bed shirts and pillow covers you must do them once a week. Of course,it depends on the situation, temperature and individual circumstances, but these ways are recommended by the specialist.


How to keep elderly earning money.

I would like to suggest making a delicatessen run by elderly today people. I will explain the delicatessen of the elderly’s 3 main points.

First of all, a delicatessen of elderly is a facility, in the day time where elderly people take care of children like a nursery school. At night time, they offer delicious meals made of food waste. Wood waste was gathered by company from Farmers.

There are 3 reasons why I suggest it. First, Japan has a huge amount of food waste. There are as many as 641 million tons a year! We should definitely make use of it.

Second, there is a lack of nursery schools. The structure of the family in Japan has changed to a trend toward nuclear families. Two income families have increased and families have grown smaller. Therefore, if elderly people take care of children, they can communicate with each other. At lunch time, they can have a warm meal together.

Finally, this idea solves pension problems. The population is aging rapidly. And the average life expectancy is increasing across the world because of improved medical technology. But Japanese feel strongly the pension is not sufficient for living expenses. I have a grandmother who is 81 years old. She is a pensioner, but she can’t live on only her pension. She often says, “I am in excellent healthy and we elderly people have too much time on our hands. So we would like to work, but there is no opportunity to work”. So I came up with the idea that a delicatessen of elderly people can reduce food waste and solve problems of elderly people with too much time, but no income.


What would you do if your iPhone is broken?

Hello, this is RIN. Actually, I’m in trouble. I dropped my iPhone last week. Its screen is completely cracked. I’m deeply sad because the repair fees of iPhone are very expensive. In my case, iPhone 6s costs ¥16,400 yen at the Apple Store. (But if you have the insurance AppleCare+ it costs ¥3,400 yen for 2 year. This is very reasonable!) But you can choose 3 ways to fix your iPhone. Please watch below picture.↓

There are 3 ways to fix your screen.➀ Bring your phone to the Apple Store. The advantage is that the store is the official retailer, so the Apple Store’s repairers use genuine parts. The disadvantages are that it takes 5 days to 7 days, the repair fee is very expensive, and you have to use a backup phone.

➁ Bring your phone to an unofficial repair store. This way is about 10,000 yen cheeper than Apple Store’s fee. You don’t have to take a backup. They repair the iPhone immediately. However you never can be serviced at an Apple Store in the future.

➂ Fix the phone yourself. This way, there is a risk of failure. And you can never be serviced at an Apple Store in the future. But this is the cheapest. You can buy parts on Amazon.

Next time, I will buy an iPhone 11, but I never want it to be cracked. There are 3 ways to protect it. First, if you play games, and you don’t want to pay for iPhone protection, protective film is good for you. It is very reasonable, and film attaches smoothly!

Second, if you want to see the screen clearly and protect all screen, use protective glass film. Finally, I would like to introduce protective coating liquid. This technology was for cars originally. It seems like the phone is not covered with anything. It’s very light and very beautiful! In my case, I’ll coat my iPhone to protective liquid(it costs ¥5,000yen/whole iPhone). I’ll also put glass film on the screen and cover the case.


How do you keep a lavatory clean?

Japan is a famous country for having clean lavatories. In this blog, I would like to explain how to make a comfortable and clean lavatory.

First, your lavatory needs a shelf behind a the tank. You can put toilet paper and a sanitary container there. If there are these items, it will be easy for you to keep organized.

Second, if you like the antique style, I think you would probably like a toilet paper holder made of titanium material. The lavatory is a very important place for us. but it’s difficult to makeover. So the toilet paper holder is the key to changing the ambience.

Finally, have you ever been bothered like this? “How often do we clean the lavatory in a week to keep cleanliness?” And “the toilet blash is dirty so is there any way to keep it hygienic?” Now, I can answer! Every day, you need to vacuum the lavatory room and spray by cleaning sprayies ,“MAMEPIKA” “Cleans like magic”. You also need to wipe by “Quickle Wiper Dry Sheets” and brush the bedpan 3times a week. You need to do special cleaning once a month.

If you don’t put the toilet brush in your lavatory, I have a nice idea. You need to buy the “sponge flame with handle” (¥790 yen) at Mujirushi and scrubbing bubble’s toilet brushes you will(¥1100 yen/a pack of 12 blushes). Actually this brush can be flushed. So after every cleaning, never proliferate bacteria.